Captain's Cup Fitness Showdown

man doing a plank in a gym

Captain’s Cup Fitness Showdown

Wed., April 3 at Gym 4 from 4:30-6:30pm

Registration Deadline: Mon., March 25
Team Meeting: Mon., March 25 at 4pm in the Fieldhouse, B440

In teams of THREE (male or female) participants will compete in five different fitness events (team and individual style). The team with the most amount of points at the end of all five events will be crowned champions!***T-shirts awarded for 1st place overall!***

We are accepting Captain’s Cup Fitness Showdown rosters at Gym 4 and the Fitness Center, B2A or email Rosters must be compromised of a total of THREE participants (male or female). Commands can have multiple teams. Team members must be from the same Command, Barracks, and/or Work Place. No waivers allowed for this event.

Event #1 (Team)
Each member will perform as many trap bar deadlifts as possible at their body weight. Reps will be added together for a team total.

Event #2 (Individual)
One member will perform a forearm plank for max time.

Event #3 (Individual)
One member will perform a bodyweight dead-hang for max time. No straps or chalk allowed.

Event #4 (Indiviidual)
One member will perform max number of barbell thrusters in 2 min. 45lb bar for men, 35 lb bar for women

Event #5 (Team)
Each member will pick from one of three endurance segments (run, row, assault bike) to perform. Event will be completed for total team time.

Event Flyer